Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to Set Chromium into Private (Incognito) Mode by Default


How to Set Chromium into Private (Incognito) Mode by Default

If you like Chromium and keeping your browsing private, use Incognito mode. you can always use that mode by clicking "New incognito window" from the menu as the image bellow shows :

New incognito window

Or by just pressing Ctrl + Shift + N.

However here’s a handy trick for always starting Chromium in incognito mode by default.
First, edit Chromium.desktop which is located here /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop. I"m using nano here, so the command will be :

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop 

In this code : Exec=chromium %U add --incognito, so It will be Exec=chromium --incognito %U

Now when you open Chromium, It will open in incognito mode.