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Amigurumi Pony Free Pattern


Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.

Materials and tools

  • Αlize Cottοn Gоld yаrn: whitе, blυе, yеllow, mustard, lіlаc, ріnk, dаrk pіnk, рυrрlе, red, grееn, bluе
  • Ηook 2-2.5 mm (mаіn) аnd 1.25-1.5 mm (fοr еуеs аnd horns)
  • Fillеr for tοуs
  • Nееdle fοr sewіng detаіls
  • Scіssors


  • KА – amіgυrumi ring
  • νp – aіr loор
  • ss – сοnnесtіng соlυmn
  • sс – singlе croсhet
  • pr – іnсrеasе
  • ub — bеаutу
  • (…) xn – reрeаt n times


Pіnk and other colors:

  1. 1 r: 7 sc in KA
  2. 2 r: 7 іnс = 14 sb
  3. 3 r: (inс, 1 sb) х 7 = 21 sb
  4. 4-12 r: 21 sb
  5. 13 r: (dес, 1 sb) х 7 = 14 sb
  6. We stuff the part
  7. 14 p: 7 dес = 7 sb, sl-st, finish stuffing the part, cut the thread, drag the tip through all the loops, tighten the hole, fix the tip of the thread with a knot and put it inside the part.

We also knit the body for the rest of the ponies: white, blue, yellow, mustard, lilac.

Legs (4 parts)

Pіnk and others:

  1. 1 p: 7 sc in KA
  2. 2 p: 7 inc = 14 sc, do sl-st, ch
  3. The next row is knitted with purl embossed sc
  4. 3 p: 14 sb out of embossed
  5. The result is a rise. Because was vp, we start the next row, skipping one loop. To be sure, you can count, without it there should be 14 loops. Then we knit with ordinary columns.
  6. 4 p: (3 sc, dec, 2 sc) x 2 = 12 sc
  7. 5-6 p: 12 sc
  8. 7 p: dec, 10 sc = 11 sc
  9. 8-9 p: 11 sc
  10. 10 p: 5 sc, dec, 4 sc = 10 sc
  11. 11-12 p: 10 sc
  12. 13 p: dec, 7 sc, sl-st, cut the thread, leaving the end for sewing to the body, fasten.

We also knit 4 legs for the rest of the horses: white, blue, yellow, mustard, lilac. We stuff the legs and sew them to the body. We sew close to each other, through 3 rows from the initial ring in front and from the place of contraction in the back. We sew not to the end, when a small hole remains, we fill it more tightly and finish sewing.


Pіnk and others:

  1. 1 r: 6 sb in KA
  2. 2 r: (inc, 1 sb) x 3 = 9 sb
  3. 3 r: 4 sb, inc, 2 sb, inc, 1 sb = 11 sb
  4. 4 r: 7 sb, inc, 3 sb = 12 sc
  5. 5 r: 4 inc, 8 sc = 16 sc
  6. 6 r: inc, 1 sc, 4 inc, 1 sc, inc, 8 sc = 22 sc
  7. 7 r: 5 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 1 sc, pr, 12 sbn = 25 sbn The increase underlined in the description is the middle of the muzzle, we mark it on knitting, it will be easier to assemble the toy.
  8. 8 r: 6 sb, inc, 1 sb, 3 inc, 1 sb, inc, 12 sb = 30 sb
  9. 9-15 r: 30 sb
  10. 16 r: (dec, 8 sb) x 3 = 27 sb
  11. 17 r: (dec , 1 sbn) x 9 = 18 sbn
  12. Stuff the part, highlighting the muzzle
  13. 18 p: (dec, 1 sc) x 6 = 12 sc
  14. 19 r: 6 dec = 6 sc, sl-st

We finish stuffing the part, cut the thread, tighten the hole.


Pіnk and others. We mark a point from below at a distance of 5 rows from the place where the head is pulled together. The second retreated 4 rows towards the bow.

The marks should be at the bottom center. We check with respect to the mark on the muzzle.

  1. 1 p: we collect 16 sbn directly on the head.
  2. We will type in a rectangle of 4 sc, starting from the front of the neck (closer to the nose). We attach the thread, do vp – this is the first column. We collect another 15 sc – we close the row.
  3. 2-4 p: 16 sc
  4. 5 p: 5 sc, sl-st (incomplete row), cut the thread, leaving the end for sewing, fasten.

Although the neck is thick, we will strengthen it just in case. We insert 3 cotton swabs into the head (so as not to break the holes, we first expand them with a thick knitting needle with a pencil, etc.).

We insert the other end of the stick into the body, the front one through 3 rows from the initial ring.

Slowly and gently press on the torso from below and on the head until they connect. If you immediately stuff the neck strongly, the head slides up from the sticks, so we stuff the neck lightly to give shape, sew it on not completely, and only then we stuff it tightly and finish sewing.

Ears (2 parts)

Pіnk and others:

  1. 1 p: 6 sc in KA
  2. 2 p: (inc 3in1, 1 sc) x 2, inc 3in1, sl-st, cut the thread, leaving the end for sewing, fasten

We mark in the center of the head a place 4 rows above the previously noted middle of the muzzle. We sew the ears on the sides through 3 columns from the place of the mark with the base along the same line between the rows and sew back along the side loop so that the ears do not stick out. We remove the initial end in the head.


White, lilac. For white and lilac horses we knit a horn. We take a thinner hook (1.25 – 1.5 mm). Our main thread is twisted from four threads, we divide it in half along, i.e., we will knit in 2 threads.

  1. 1 p: 4 sc in KA
  2. 2 p: inc, 3 sc = 5 sc
  3. 3 p: (inc, 1 sc) x 2 = 7 sc
  4. 4 p: (inc, 2 sc) x 2 = 9 sc
  5. 5 p: (inc, 3 sc) x 2 = 11 sc
  6. 6 p: (inc, 4 sc) x 2 = 13 sc
  7. 7 p: (inc, 5 sc) x 2 = 15 sc
  8. 8 p: 15 sc
  9. 9 p: (dec, 1 sc) x 5 = 10 sc
  10. 10 p: 10 sc
  11. 11 p: (dec, 1 sc) x 4 = 6 sc
  12. 12 p: 6 sc
  13. 13 p: (dec, 1 sc) x 3 = 3 sc
  14. 14 p: 3 sc
  15. 15 p: dec x 2 = 1 sc

Cut the thread, drag the loop through the last loop, and fasten. Sew the horn to the center of the head, between the ears and on top. Now your pony is complete!

Other Amigurumi Pony Patterns

For other ideas, visit my collection of free pony patterns and tutorials that are sure to inspire your next project.

Happy crafting!


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