Showing posts with label flash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flash. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2014

The solution to the problem of intermittent letters on Flash under Linux


The solution to the problem of intermittent letters on Flash under Linux

You all know that the problem of intermittent letters on Flash player under Linux is one of the most troubling problems for users, especially for those who deal frequently with the websites where the flash is used, today we will explain to you how to solve this problem on the Linux environment and the Firefox browser.

What do now is to install a special version of Flash of Windows on Ubuntu and the latest version via the package provided by the site Webupd8 to this matter, on Ubuntu and derivatives of Ubuntu by these commands :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: nilarimogard/webupd8 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install freshplayerplugin 

For other distributions, download this file from this link for 32-bit distributions, and here's for 64-bit, and put it in the folder /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ .

Now if we opened Firefox and went to any website that uses flash, the following problem will appear to us :

Failled to load

We need to an extension named Pepper Flash to complete the solution, we can get it by simply downloading the Google Chrome browser from this link and installing it, then re-open any website that has Flash from Firefox browser, and Enjoy :)


Saturday, March 8, 2014

New Flash Player from Mozilla , based on HTML5


New Flash Player from Mozilla , based on HTML5

Shumway is a new project from Mozilla projects aimed to develop the Web and make it more open , the idea of ​​the project is simply playing SWF files for free, an open- source and written on HTML5 and Javascript.

It is still under development where Mozilla announced it in November 2012 , it is currently available only as an extension for Firefox ( and frankly did not know how to use it , although this still needs the flash to be used) , in Firefox 27 it exists , but not enabled by default and you can activate it from about: config

In any case, you can visit the project website and try some examples, such as a game of racing , or you can download the source from this link , do you think it would be an alternative to the Flash Player in the future?


Friday, January 17, 2014

View Youtube videos without flash


View Youtube videos without flash

We may encounter problems with flash, such as steaming  flash full screen, or with slow internet connection.

They are many ways to play Youtube videos directly from the desktop.

1 - Youtube-dl and Mplayer :

You must have these two apps(youtube-dl,mplayer) to execute this following command :

mplayer -geometry 100%:100% -xy 500 -ontop -cache-min 2 -cookies -cookies-file /tmp/cookie.txt $(youtube-dl -gf 18/34 --cookies /tmp/cookie.txt "URL")

Remember to change URL by the link of the YouTube video.
This command will show a mplayer top window in the right bottom corner playing the video.

2 - Youtube-viewer :

It makes searching YouTube video easy, It lets you watch them directly from the desktop(no browser required), and even Download them.

youtube-viewer Linux

It will search for the channels containing the name "Linux" and videos containing that word as well.
We can also filter videos we search, see the results of this command to know more :

youtube-viewer --help

I saw gtk-youtube-viewer which helps beginners more (with Gui), but It's available only to Puppy Linux users.

3 - Minitube :


It's a Gui app, most powerful one, which can easily search and navigate Youtube videos.
It can :

- Let you subscribe without using a YouTube account.
- Let you sort videos by relevance, date, view count and rating
- Let you filter videos by publication date, video duration and video quality.
- Let you choose the maximum video resolution up to 1080p.

and more