Showing posts with label indian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indian. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2014

Indian state turns to Linux


Indian state turns to Linux

The State of India which is called "Tamil Nadu" turned to Linux operating system, in the same time as Microsoft announced the end of life of Windows XP .

The management of technology and information of the country proposed to make Linux as an alternative to Windows XP on all computers owned by it, One of the main reasons for choosing Linux over Windows 8 is not supporting old devices.

I have chosen for this task a distribution (BOSS Linux) which is an abbreviation for " Bharat Operating System Solutions " , a distribution developed by CDAC ( Development Center of Advanced Computing ), and it's Indian government initiative .

In fact, many other countries around the world have turned to open-source recently , and perhaps the end of support for Windows XP was a catalyst for that matter , where in the last month, a Spanish island made a transition to open source and the cities of Munich and Berlin , as well as the police of the French capital , as well as that many of the other states considering the move to open source .

Do you think that the end of the Windows XP was a contributing factor in the transition of countries to open source ? Do you think it will contribute to increase the share of Linux on the market ?