Showing posts with label terminal commands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terminal commands. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2013

Terminal : keyboard Shortcuts


Terminal : keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shorcuts helps in writing codes easily and shorten time.
Some users, probably power users who loves doing some works via the Command Line, performing complicated tasks with just a few keystrokes.

Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

Up/Down Arrows = With those two keys, you can move between your last commands.
Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right = Jumps between arguments (words) in your command
Ctrl + U = Clears all characters starting from the cursor position.
Ctrl + K = Clears all characters starting from the end of the command to the position of the cursor.
Ctrl + A = Moves you to the start of the command.
Ctrl + E = Moves you the the end of the command.
Ctrl + L = Clears the screen.
Ctrl + R = Lets you search your command history.
Ctrl + Shift + T = Opens new Tab.
Ctrl + Shift + N = Opens new Terminal.
Ctrl + P = Lets you Browse the command you executed before.
Ctrl+ O = Works as "Enter" button.
Ctrl + Shift + C = Lets you copy selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + V = Lets you paste.
Tab = This is the powerful shortcut, Everyone loves it. It completes paths and commands.

With Path :

cd ~/De 

after hitting Tab, It completes it.

cd ~/Desktop

With command :


after hitting Tab, It completes it.


What if there are resemblance between names ?

We take for example folder "De" and "Desktop"

we typed "De" and hitting Tab for auto-completion. It makes an output : "De", "Desktop", we have then to add another caracther to make it different.

cd ~/Des